
We will not be held responsible for anyone driving under the influence of alcohol/drugs, causing willful damage, driving off-road or driving without due care and attention. You, the renter, will accept full responsibility in respect of such claims.

What is included / excluded in the price?
Please read the specific terms & conditions relating to your car hire, which you will see during the booking process.

Collision Damage Waiver (CDW)
Collision Damage Waiver reduces the renter's liability from the total cost of the damage to an excess amount, where applicable, unless the renter intentionally causes the damage, is under the influence of drink or drugs, or uses the car in a prohibited or negligent way.
CDW covers liability for damage to the car in case of an accident. Windscreens, tyres, undercarriage, damaged locks, lost or damaged keys are not covered under the CDW policy.

Theft Protection (TP)
Theft Protection reduces the renter's liability in the event of theft of the car to an excess amount. Negligence connected with the theft of/damage to the car lead to requiring the full amount for the cost of the car and not only for the excess amount.

Out-of-Hours Service
 Drive on Holidays supplies an outside normal working hour’s service. However, there is an additional charge for this service, which will be payable directly at the desk when not previously booked. It means that in the event that a flight delay causes the car pick-up to fall outside normal working hours, Drive on Holidays agrees to provide an out-of-hours service – with a fee applied.
Minimum / Maximum Age Limitations
The minimum hiring age is 19 years. Additional fees are applied for drivers aged between 19-21 and 21-23. The maximum age is 75 years.

Additional Drivers
There is a fee apply for additional drivers.

Daily Rate Calculations / Periods of Hire / Period of Hire Extensions
The price of your car hire will be confirmed at time of booking and calculated on the basis of 24-hour units. If you wish to extend the period of hire after picking the car up, or if you drop the car off later than stated on your voucher, the contract for such an extension will always be charged with current daily rate, which may be higher than the rates agreed at the time of booking.

Late Pick-ups / Early Drop-offs
Your rental starts and finishes according to the pick-up and drop-off dates and times detailed on your voucher. We are unable to provide refunds for unused time if a car is picked up late or dropped off early. If you are unable to pick the car up at the agreed time and date, it is essential you contact us as soon as possible. If you do not, there is no guarantee that the car will still be available – and you will not be entitled to any refund.

One-Way Rentals
One-way rentals must be confirmed in advance and are subject to one-way fees.

Child Seats & Special Requests
Child seats and other ‘extra’ items are available on request, although they cannot be guaranteed. There is a fee for each extra item and/ or child seats.
In Portugal, child seats are required by law.

Driving Areas
Restrictions may be applicable when taking the hire car to a different country (it is only possible in Spain); our Contact Centre must therefore be advised at the time of booking whether you intend to do this. Additional documentation may be required and charges are applied for travel into Spain.

If You, the Renter, Wish to Make Changes to Your Booking
No charge will be made for amending your booking before the start of your rental. This excludes any cost increases caused by a material change to the booking, such as its duration or the car class.
To cancel your booking, please log in to the Amend/Cancel Booking facility, and click Cancel Booking.

Driving License
Drivers must produce a valid driving license held for at least 1 year.
Our Contact Centre must be advised of any endorsements / points on a driving license at the time of booking; we reserve the right to refuse the booking on this basis. All persons driving the car must be in possession of their driving license at all times, for perusal by local authorities and must be stated in the rental agreement as an additional driver.
Please note that an International Driving License/Permit does not replace the requirement for a regular driving license: a full driving license in the main driver’s name will still be mandatory in order to rent the car.

Car Capacity & Car Class
We are unable to guarantee a particular make or model of car. The car shown on your voucher is for guidance only and Drive on Holidays may instead provide a different car which is deemed to be similar or superior.

Provision of Cars

Drive on Holidays reserve the right to refuse a car to any person who is considered unfit to drive or does not meet eligibility requirements. We will not be liable for the completion of travel arrangements, nor for any refund, compensation or any other costs you, the renter, may have to pay in such a case.

If you are dissatisfied in any way with your rental and wish to make a complaint, please ensure you contact our Customer Service Team within 3 months of dropping the car off.

Mechanical Difficulties / Accidents
In the case of breakdown or mechanical difficulties the renter must call Drive On Holidays immediately. If you are involved in an accident, the local police and Drive on Holidays must be contacted. Keep copies of all relevant documentation you are asked to complete.

Your hire car is subject to our terms & conditions and to the Portuguese laws. We accept no responsibility for and shall not be liable in respect of any loss, damage, alterations, delays or changes arising from civil strife, industrial disputes including air traffic control disputes, terrorist activity, natural or nuclear disaster, fire or adverse weather conditions, unavoidable technical problems with transport, closure or congestion of airports or ferry ports, cancellation of scheduled flights or financial failure of airlines.

Making Bookings and Purchasing or Requesting Products or Services
If you wish to make bookings or to purchase or request products or services described on this website, we may ask you to supply certain data applicable to your booking or purchase – including, without limitation, credit card information and other personally identifiable data about you. You understand that any such data will be treated by us in the manner described in our privacy policy. You agree that all data that you provide for this purpose will be accurate, current and complete. You agree to pay all charges incurred by you or any users of your account, credit card or other payment mechanism at the rate(s) or price(s) in effect when such charges are incurred. You will also be responsible for paying any applicable taxes relating to your purchases.
Verification of submitted data may be required prior to our acceptance of any booking, purchase or order. Except as otherwise required by law or as otherwise expressly stated by us, price, rate and availability of products or services are subject to change without notice. You acknowledge that bookings, purchases and services are subject to additional terms & conditions imposed by us.

Website Conditions of Use
It is prohibited for anyone to use any device or software program to directly or indirectly interface, or attempt to interface, with this website to retrieve content and/or any other data, including prices. It is also prohibited to interfere, or attempt to interfere, with the normal working of this website; any activity that we consider places undue load or stress on our systems will be terminated. We constantly monitor everyone accessing our website, and the activities of any automated systems or persons conducting an unreasonable amount of searches, with the aim of accessing information and/or prices, will be terminated and those systems/persons blocked from our websites. Your use of the website indicates your agreement to be bound by these Conditions of Use.

Data Protection
Your privacy is important to us.
By using this site you accept the terms of the our privacy policy and consent to use of your personal information by Drive on Holidays and its service providers to provide our services to you and  use by Drive on Holidays to send promotional emails and special offer emails.

Customer Reviews
Completed reviews may be uploaded onto our website for the sole purpose of informing customers of your opinion of Drive on Holidays’ service and quality.
 We reserve the right to adjust, refuse or remove reviews at our sole discretion.

Your privacy is important to us. We value the trust you have placed in us, and are committed to protecting and safeguarding any personal information you give us. This document, which we update from time to time, describes how we use and process your personal information. It also tells you how you can contact us if you have questions about your personal information.